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The draughtsman, engraver and writer, Charles Nicolas Cochin the Younger, began his career by recording in drawings and prints the ceremonies that were held at the court of Louis XV. In some cases he made the drawings and etchings himself while in other instances his father, Charles Nicolas Cochin the Elder, etched the plates after designs by his son, who came to fame at an early age. Between 1749 and 1751 Cochin travelled around Italy at the behest of his patron, Madame Pompadour, and subsequently published treatises on ancient and Italian art. Extensive book illustrations and portrait commissions along with other art historical writings formed part of the oeuvre of this talented and very busy artist. In 1751 he became the first and only person for whom admission formalities to the Academy were waived; he was also appointed to several positions at court and given an aristocratic title.