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The biography of Georges Reverdy has given cause for confusion since the time of Adam von Bartsch. It was Bartsch who questioned the attribution of a group of engravings with the monogram CER to an Italian engraver called Gasparo Reverdino who probably hailed from Padua. Nagler also ruled out any Italian origin and was the first to draw attention to the artist’s activity in the circle of the masters of the School of Fontainebleau. According to Henry Bouchot, who published the first biography of Reverdy in 1901, the artist was born in Doubs near Lyon. The catalogue of the Inventaire du Fonds Français compiled by Jean Adhémar in 1938 lists a total of 69 items, including several series of illustrations. It is generally considered now that Reverdy was active as an engraver and book illustrator in Lyon in the years 1529–1561. It is possible that the artist may have worked a few years in Italy around 1530.